I have thought alot about what should come next in my story of self discovery, but every time I would sit down to think about it my mind was filled with music. I always have a song stuck in my head. ALWAYS! Sometimes I wake up in then morning with a song already stuck in my head. For some reason "Where Are You Christmas?" is a frequent mind occupant. So strange!
I love music, who doesn't really? Not liking music is like not liking puppies! It just isn't human!
Are we human or are we dancer? Anyway...
When you look up the most popular twitter accounts, of the top ten twitter accounts 8/10 are musicians. Katy perry wins it with about 52 million followers. 52 MILLION!!!!! I think is a perfect representation of the influence music has on the public. 52 million people care what Katy Perry thinks, even if it is about the sandwich she ate for lunch. Just think about that, think of the power that music can hold!
I love music (there will be quite a few links to songs in this post, humor me will ya?) and while I was growing up music was really important to me. It still is! I love the comfort I find in a familiar song (such as this one that always makes me feel like my Mom is giving me a big'ole hug). Something that really made me feel comfortable no matter where I happened to be. I love the joy found in belting out my favorite lyrics. I always smile when the song "Reflection" from the movie Mulan plays and every girl in the room starts screaming "Who is that girl I see, starring straight back at me? When will my reflection show who I am inside?" I love to watch the men stare in utter confusion! Music makes us feel connected. It helps me to see that I am not the only person who thinks a certain way. Every time I sing "Deifying Gravity" from the musical Wicked I feel connected to Elphaba! I feel like she and are both in the same boat. I am not exactly in her boat but college is pretty much the same thing as being hunted down by a mad wizard. Right?
Music can be very motivating! On Mondays I sometimes listen to this song to help me get through the long ones. For some reason, Andy can always help me keep going when the day gets long, even when it is only 8am!
For some reason when I work out I really love listening to 80's music! It is fabulous and it really motivates me to keep up the work! Among my top 25 most frequently played song is this gem from the 80's! I also LOVE Whitney Houston and when I am running along and I want to quit I turn on this amazing track! Please pay attention to the really great dance moves!
I have discussed in previous posts about my love for the Beach Boys! I could listen to "Surfin' USA" all day any day! Music can really take you back to a happy memory! Just 5 minutes ago while looking up songs for this post I stumbled onto this beauty from middle school. My roommate and I still know all the words. It took me back to the day when I listened to everything my older sisters' did just so I could be like them!
I also love pop music! I have a secret love for dancing music! It is so fun and up beat. I also have a not-so-secret love for dancing. Which is probably why I love pop music so much! You can't dance without music (well you CAN, but the people in the grocery stores always look so concerned).
As we think about the effect that music can have on our entire society think about the music you listen to. I was listening to Pandora the other day and this song came on. I knew all the words and although I don't own this song and I haven't listened to it since high school I was so surprised at the lyrics. Just be aware that music does have an influence. You can help or hinder an emotional response by music choice. Music that is degrading, detrimental, or depressing doesn't make you feel better. It just makes it all worse.
I have really noticed that music helps me to stay positive. I get up disgustingly early for work and when my alarm goes off I dread rolling out of my beautiful bed and getting ready for the day. So I pop in my headphones and jam out to something that I really love (I am sure it would be really creepy to watch me as I am mouth the words and dance around silently so I don't wake my roommate).
When I am feeling blue, because I just found out that the guy that I was thinking about liking (haha I hope you know what I am talking about cause this is a real state of thought for me) has a girlfriend I love to sing loudly to this. Obviously this is a real stretch from my actual situation, but this song still makes me feel empowered to keep positive!
This week try to use music to keep up motivation and positive thinking! When you are feeling...any emotion think about how music could help! It works for me! And of course...don't stop believing!
What music do you love? How has it effected your life?
Until next week, love y'all!
(Look at how cute this pig is! I just love it!!!)