Tuesday, December 9, 2014

C's get degrees!

I was talking today with a person that I consider to be absolutely fabulous. She told me that her day had been awful...just plain awful. We continued discussing and then she said something AMAZING! Totally worth quoting and then stealing! She said that she needed to remember that the bad days are memorable because they are rare. I absolutely loved this!

Take a minute to let this sink in...okay now that it is sunk, let me tell you my thoughts. Some days are not so good. Sometimes you randomly snap at your roommate and then run away because you cannot contain the tears that have instantly flooded (No, I didn't do that this week. Why would you think that?). But these kinds of days are not normal. If they were normal they wouldn't upset you that much. If I randomly started crying at tiny things that shouldn't matter, then I wouldn't have been so angry and embarrassed (pretending that this hypothetical situation actually happened to me). This may not seem to be particularly comforting, but it really should be. One nasty day is just one day, don't let it get you down! Be happy that you only had 1 or 2 awful day this week! That means that you had 5 or 6 good days! Statistically speaking you haven't failed at all! You are coming up with a solid C+ or B-!

You may ask, what did hypothetical Elaine do at this point in the story? Good question...she may have called her little brother, talked incessantly about everything except the situation, and calmed right down. She may have gone to bed early and awoke to a bright beautiful day!

Don't let the bad days get you down! Write it off and begin again tomorrow.

I was about to take my weekly selfie when I caught myself mid yawn...too perfect to pass by. You are welcome!

1 comment :

  1. I cannot tell you how much I needed to hear this. I think we all do every so often. And I love the picture at the end, priceless!
